Ohh!!! Sales... means ???

(Credit:  https://pixabay.com/)

 Today when I was speaking with my friend. I told him, "whenever I am talking with anyone thinking that which thing that person is trying to sell me."

Just for a second, he became angry and told me "I am not selling you anything, just only trying to help


I started smiling after seeing his point of view about the sale word.

During the conversation, I started sharing examples with him. I told him, "whenever you are trying to

convince your parents of something then that time also you are doing the selling. That time you are

trying to sell your opinion for helping them.

Wait one more example I have which activities you are performing currently, it will become more

relatable to you.

Whenever you are giving an interview at Tech giant company Google that time you are doing the

selling of your own by convincing them to hire. Right? "

In every stage of life each and everyone is trying to implement their sales skill, but that time you not using sales word, it doesn't mean you are not selling.

No one can sell anything to you until and unless your mind decides to buy it.

The salesman sells you a product. If you find the results are good then you appreciate, that person

solved my problem by offering this product. If the results are bad then your immediate reaction is "I

got sold".

People have big fear in their minds of getting sold by someone. Why you are thinking that the

salesperson is interested to buy you? No no really not interested to buy you, they just only want to

help you.

Just take one scenario to know a sales, employee giving an interview to the interviewer.

Here Employee is the salesperson who is selling his experience and skills in front of the interviewer

to get convinced.

The interviewer is the customer who is evaluating that employee by seeing whether that pitched

skills are beneficial to the company or not.

If it's beneficial then and only then interviewer i.e. customer will get convinced by the employee

i.e. salesman to hire him or not.

A friend told me okay, now I got a clear idea about what exactly sales is! What is your clarification

about profit?

I replied, "simple profit is from both sides of the employee will get successful in sale themselves in

front of the interviewer then the company will offer a salary in the form of profit, and due to the

employee's skills organization will grow and generate profit."

The deal is always from both sides not only from one side.

The friend replied "Amazing! Now I can also explain to people what exactly sales is! and will help

them to change their perspective about sales."

Let's connect with me on LinkedIn for getting more updates on sales: https://www.linkedin.com/in/harshadapawar1307/

