Become a Guerrilla with Guerrilla marketing

Have you ever noticed –

  • A park bench painted with a KitKat wrapper.

  • A painting of finger chips over a zebra crossing.

  • A coco-cola bottle-shaped vending machine serving coco-cola bottles.

I think you are also observing such unique things around you. Correct? 

What do you think? Who is creating such things and why? 

It's a marketing strategy. With a low budget they are creating their brand awareness among people. Targeting a lot of audience by performing such weird as well as creative things. 

This marketing strategy is called Guerrilla marketing. 

Have you observed? People take photographs, make videos and most importantly do mouth publicity of that specific product. This marketing strategy connects with your emotions because it enters in your daily activities. The key factor of this marketing is it gets media attention easily. It makes a positive and memorable connection with your target audience.

What do you think? Is it really beneficial?

Small businesses fail because they are not aware of marketing strategies. In any business your product awareness is most important. Until and unless people will not get to know about your product, people will not buy it. Guerrilla marketing works because it’s simple to understand, easy to implement and inexpensive.

I have some points for businesses to implement Guerrilla Marketing Strategy.

  • Pop up Ads

  • Stickers

  • Wall Paintings

  • Mystery generation

  • Word of mouth

  • Free Consultation

  • Demonstration

Just add your creativity to the above points and build your product brand.

Guerrilla marketing is Fun. Guerrilla marketers think outside the box. 

I hope you found this information useful. You can connect to me on - 

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