Do you know the company behind Fevicol?

I was watching my favorite show with my brother when a Fevicol advertisement started playing.

My brother asked me, “Didi. Why are there no actors in any of these Fevicol advertisements?”

I replied, “Good observation. I will answer that if you tell me the product name for Fevicol correctly."

My brother replied in a flash, “This is super easy. It is Fevicol only.”

I laughed and said, “Wrong. Fevicol is the brand name and their product is actually polysynthetic resin. There is a parent company called Pidilite that owns brands like Fevicol and M-seal.”

Brother asked, “Really? But can you tell me why no actors work in them? I see them working in most of the other advertisements.”

I said, “You are right. That is the marketing strategy that the Fevicol team came up with. You know the ultimate mantra of marketing – Facts tell but stories sell. Just like we call photocopying machines Xerox machines, Pidilite or Fevicol are trying to capture the adhesive industry. They keep their advertisements simple, and classy and they hire no celebrities because they want to connect with the common people who are their biggest consumers.

Brother said excitedly, “Wow, what a strategy! Every time I go to the stationary and I need to buy an adhesive, I end up asking for a bottle of Fevicol from the shopkeeper. I do not even know other brands. But Didi, they must be generating handsome profits from the sales of these smaller quantity bottles right?”

I replied, “That is correct partially. The intention of selling smaller quantity bottles is not to generate revenue but rather market penetration. Just like you said that you end up asking for a Fevicol for your school project, you will end up asking for a bigger bottle of Fevicol to build the furniture as well. Since it is available in different sizes for different prices, you are satisfied with the quantity you purchase for the task at hand. This in turn creates a positive image of the brand in our hearts. Once you make a place in the hearts of the consumers, they would want to use your product for all purposes. That is called market penetration.”

Brother asked, “But if not through these, how does the company actually generate revenue?”

I smiled and said, “Now you asked the correct question. You know people like us only purchase the adhesive in smaller bottles but the company’s real consumers are the carpenters. They require huge quantities of adhesive on a day-to-day basis. So, what the company did was they launched something called Fevicol Champions Club where they provide free tools and training to the carpenters. Carpenters in return want to use the same brand that helped them with the training. So a lot of carpenters use Fevicol as their favorite choice of brand. This is how Fevicol was able to capture the adhesive market. Similar to Fevicol, Pidilite acquired almost 20 adhesive brands and became the leader of the adhesive manufacturing industry in the Asian market.

My brother said with a satisfied face, “Thanks, Didi. That surely was very informative.”

I also learned an important lesson –

               Your brand will grow automatically if you just stick to your niche.

(This content is created by taking reference to Mr. Ujjawal Sani, Digital Odd, and Aditya Sani's YouTube Channel videos. I am expressing my learnings from their videos)

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